Blog de muzica noua si filme subtitrare, trailer, movie, actori
luni, 29 decembrie 2008
duminică, 28 decembrie 2008
Ceva nou
NINGEE!!! de azi incepu sa ninga si pe blogul meu:D mai trebuie lucrat la ninsoare :)) deocamdata scriptul java l-am furat de pe un forum e inca hostat la ei :)) o sa ii gasesc alt host cat de repede pot.
Album Bitza - Sufletul Orasului

nume : Bitza - Sufletul Orasului
gen : Rap
data lansare : 26-12-2008
sursa audio : WEB MP3
calitate : 320kbs / 44,1kHz / Stereo
# de melodii : 17
durata : 53:52 min
marime : 123,6 MB
01 Bitza cu Raku si Faibo X - Sufletul orasului 03:58
02 Bitza cu Junky - Alte repere 03:04
03 Bitza - Din bara-n bara 02:52
04 Bitza cu Loredana - Lasa-ma sa-ti arat 03:28
05 Bitza cu Adrian Despot - Sange bolnav 03:18
06 Bitza - Nu te opri (Agresiv remix) 03:08
07 Bitza - In fata blocului 03:29
08 Bitza - Cantecul si povestea ei 03:34
09 Bitza - Cronica unei vedete (omuepebancheta) 03:06
10 Bitza cu Cedry2k - Manifest 01:53
11 Bitza cu Grasu XXL - Pofta de viata 03:04
12 Bitza cu Guess Who - Prin ochii unui trecator 03:03
13 Bitza - Un vot distanta 03:18
14 Bitza cu Carbon - Nevoi urbane 02:57
15 Bitza cu Aforic - In urma noastra 03:11
16 Bitza - Sinteze 02:55
17 Bitza cu Dj Faibo X - Generic (gen) 03:34
+ Video
18 Bitza - Sufletul Orasului Video
M-am gandit ca poate fac ceva trafic, asa ca m-am luat si eu dupa Unty:D:D la copy/paste ma pricep si eu :)) .
Daca vreti sa descarcati albumul intrati AICI .
vineri, 26 decembrie 2008
Cum sa faci page rang 5

Surpriza, am PR5, adica deja sunt in lumea buna, alaturi de blogatu si Vali Petcu. Si daca tot am PR5, hai sa va impartasesc din secretele mele, sau cum faci PR5.
1, Scrii tot ce iti trece prin cap.
2. Faci filme cu tine in situatii jenante si le pui pe net.
3. Bagi mult porn, place la pasarici.
4. Vorbesti degajat, iti bagi pula in oricine, oricum si oricand.
5. Te bagi nas la bloggeri mai cu staif decat tine, ca da bine la awareness.
6. Il injuri pe manafu si pe novac cu rahatul ala de roblogfest.
7. Esti misogin si lasi asta sa se vada in orice post.
8. Dai sfaturi semidocte despre reusita in blogging.
9. Vinzi reclama la suprapret, sa vada lumea ca ai valoare.
10. Si daca nu merg chestiile astea, incercati sa imi copiati feedul, asa cum fac mai multe “publicatii”, si veti reusi.
Important este sa vrei.
Pentru cei mai grei de cap, acesta este un post ironic si autoironic, comentariile care vor marsa pe asta vor fi futile, oarecum.
miercuri, 24 decembrie 2008
Deepcentral - revelatia muzicala a iernii!

George si Doru au inceput lucrul la propriul proiect in iarna anului 2006. Petrecand foarte mult timp in studio lucrand cu alti artisti, au inceput sa le vina ideile si sa ia forma propriul proiect, care s-a concretizat dupa ani intregi in care cei doi au fost implicati in diverse colaborari muzicale.
Pe scena, George este responsabil cu partea de mixaj. Doru completeaza actul artistic cu vocea lui, una dintre cele mai bune voci masculine din peisajul muzical romanesc.
Dupa doi ani de munca, George si Doru alaturi de Universal Music Romania va prezinta Deepcentral - cea mai noua trupa dance din Romania!
"Proiectul Deepcentral a fost facut exact asa cum am simtit noi, fara sa ne gandim la contracte, fara presiuni din partea cuiva. Eram obisnuiti amandoi ca producatorul sa aiba un cuvant greu de spus in ceea ce priveste produsul final. Am avut surpriza placuta ca Universal Music Romania sa ne incurajeze sa fim noi insine, nicidecum sa incerce sa schimbe ceva" declara George.
"Faptul ca am semnat cu Universal Music Romania este pentru noi cel mai important pas din cariera. Pentru prima oara ne simtim sprijiniti cu adevarat in ceea ce facem" completeaza Doru.
Un sound actual, un look in tendinte si o voce cu multa personalitate, sunt doar cateva dintre elementele care asigura succesul proiectului Deepcentral inca de la debut!
In urma cu doar cateva zile cei doi au lansat primul lor single, `Cry It Away`, care a intrat in rotatie la posturile de radio si in top 100 Nielsen inca din prima saptamana de difuzare ca fiind piesa cu cea mai mare urcare in top!
Source: Muzicabuna
Sa ninga! de craciun:)
Toata lumea la bord
luni, 22 decembrie 2008
duminică, 21 decembrie 2008
Eleva porno a ramas fara "obiectul muncii"
Ieri, paparazzii Cancan l-au surprins pe acesta alaturi de o blonda, pe care Dudu nu s-a sfiit s-o sarute pasional, chiar in mijlocul strazii.
Dudu si Alexandra se vor mai intalni insa in calitate de colegi si vor fi nevoiti sa faca sex, pentru ca sunt legati de un contract, semnat cu agentia care i-a descoperit si i-a lansat.
Petrecerile firmei, motiv de iubire infocata!
Potrivit unui studiu realizat de site-ul, una din trei persoane a facut sex la serviciu, in timpul petrecerii de Craciun, mai ales dupa ce au consumat mai multe bauturi alcoolice.
Jumatate din cele 1202 persoane chestionate si-au sarutat seful sau un coleg fata de care se simteau atrasi, iar un sfert dintre cei care lucreaza in acelasi loc au avut chiar sentimente fata de colegi.
Totusi, din pacate s-a demonstrat si faptul ca acest tip de reactii nu sunt trainice.
"Din moment ce ne petrecem in fiecare an peste 2000 de ore din viata la serviciu, este normal ca sa se ajunga la astfel de situatii", a declarat un angajat.
Sursa: Apropo
Dani Otil si-a pus penisul pe blugi!

Sambata seara, la Festivalul Dakino, Dani Otil a lasat lumea cu gura cascata cand a aparut imbracat intr-o pereche de blugi care dezvaluiau un penis fals in zona slitului.
Iubitul cu 11 ani mai tanar al Mihaelei Radulescu a lansat, Dupa fesul á la Dani, moda blugilor cu penis spre disperarea designer-ului Stefan Musca, "raspunzator" de imaginea lui Otil.
Musca s-a aratat oripilat de noua inventie a "matinalului", declarand sus si tare ca acei pantaloni nu poarta semnatura lui.
Dani a imbracat blugii cu penis in contextul in care Mihaela Radulescu a venit imbracata intr-o rochie lunga, din care i se revarsau cu generozitate sanii.
Faptul ca Dani Otil a purtat la Festivalul DaKino o pereche de blugi "cu penis", nu a fost intamplator. Dani a ales acei pantaloni ca forma de protest fata de jurnalistii care ironizeaza relatia lui cu Mihaela Radulescu.
Se pare ca Dani a scos din buzunar 481 de euro pentru ineditul obiect vestimentar, pe care nu l-a cumparat din Romania. Blugii fac parte din noua colectie D-Squared, “Suspender Sex Jeans”.
Intr-o discutie pe care a purtat-o la Iasi cu regizoarea Chris Simion, Mihaela Radulescu a vorbit deschis despre relatia ei cu Otil, marturisind ca uneori fac dragoste de mai multe ori pe zi, stimulandu-se cu ajutorul unor cuvinte pe care si le soptesc reciproc.
Mihaela a mai spus ca "e superb sa faci dragoste cu un barbat mai tanar" si ca nu are de gand sa renunte la Dani.
Cat despre penisul lui Otil, vedeta "Duminicii in familie" a declarat ca "este OK".
Source: Apropo
sâmbătă, 20 decembrie 2008
Armin van Buuren - A State of Trance Episode 383
“Back In Time” - Warmup:
01. Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston - No One On Earth (Gabriel & Dresden Remix) - Tune Of The Year 2004
02. Above & Beyond vs. Andy Moor - Air For Life - Tune Of The Year 2005
03. Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston - Good For Me - Tune Of The Year 2006
04. John O’Callaghan feat. Audrey Gallagher - Big Sky - Tune Of The Year 2007

TOP 20 2008
20. Armin van Buuren feat. Susana - If You Should Go (Aly & Fila Dub)
19. Leon Bolier - Ocean Drive Boulevard
18. Akesson - Perfect Blue
17. Andy Duguid Feat. Leah - Wasted
16. Armin van Buuren featuring Jaren - Unforgivable (First State Remix)
15. Mr. Sam feat. Claud9 - Cygnes
14. DJ Shah feat. Adrina Thorpe - Back To You (Aly & Fila Remix)
13. The Doppler Effect - Beauty Hides In The Deep (The Blizzard Remix)
12. The Killers - Human (Armin van Buuren Remix)
11. Armin van Buuren & DJ Shah feat. Chris Jones - Going Wrong
10. Above & Beyond presents OceanLab - Sirens Of The Sea (Above & Beyond Club Mix)
09. Alex M.O.R.P.H. - Walk The Edge (Alex M.O.R.P.H. B2B Woody van Eyden Remix)
08. Lange feat. Sarah Howells - Out Of The Sky (Kyau & Albert Remix)
07. Oceanlab - Miracle (Above & Beyond Club Mix)
06. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren - You Never Said (Dash Berlin Remix)
05. Ferry Corsten feat. Betsie Larkin - Made Of Love
04. Oceanlab - Breaking Ties (Above & Beyond Analogue Haven Mix)
03. Orjan Nilsen - La Guitarra
02. Armin van Buuren feat. Sharon den Adel - In & Out Of Love
01. Sunlounger feat. Zara - Lost
vineri, 19 decembrie 2008
Resoftare W300i/Debranding w300i walkthrough

You will need the following software to get started:
Phone XS++V1.2 or later. At this link are links to the program; it is a free community-created tool for do-it-yourselfers. It comes in a RAR file, so you will need WinRar.
You can also get Far manager 1.70 from the same place.
Finally, you will need some drivers that some with the Sony Ericsson Update Service. The drivers that come with this will work for your purposes. XS++ installs to the folder you unrar it to; FAR manager and the rest install like normal windows programs and are run from the start menu. Each of these programs may have its own requirements, like Macromedia Flash player, .NET framework, Windows XP, and so on.
Once you have all these programs installed, you will need to add a plug-in to FAR manager. First get SEFP v010044 and unzip it to your computer. This will unzip to a folder called SEFP010044, which contains another folder called SEFP. Click on the SEFP folder can copy it. Then go to C:\Program Files\Far\Plugins, and paste SEFP at that level. Next get SEFP v010051 and unrar it and do the same copy/paste trick with SEFP. You do need both SEFP's because the second is an update to the first. This time Windows will warn you that you will
overwrite files, etc., just click yes. Finally, get the final file for your CID49 phone, and unrar it. This is called .zip, but it is actually rar'ed. This, too, has an SEFP folder under it, which again gets pasted into C:\Program Files\Far\Plugins, and again overwrites several files in that folder. Once you are done, go to the folder called C:\Program Files\Far\Plugins\SEFP, and you will see a program called sefp0.10.0.51patch.exe. Click on this program to run it, and it will ask you to apply a patch. Click do it. Nothing much seems to happen, but it is done. Close the window. If you miss any of these steps, you will get various error messages. Note that you are also required to have a regular COM port set up on your computer, even though you won't use it.
The final requirement is to get the firmwares that you are intending to use on your phone. These can be obtained, for example, from Note that this is primarily a Spanish site, which can present some challenges to registration, etc., which is required. You may also have to pay a couple of Euros to get access to the download area. On there, you can get R9A036 main and R9A036 file system, which are the ones you want for the w300i phone only. If you have some other phone, you are responsible for gettting the right firmware files. These won't work, and will kill your phone. You also want the customization files. Unzip/unrar all these and put them in the same folder with PhoneXS++V1.2, which is called that. Then go to your db2010cid49_4_alpha folder, and also get w300_p3k_dcu.49R.ssw and put it in the same folder with the rest. Note that there should be a couple of subfolders called files_to_upload and own_custpack which came from the customization files. Leave this folder structure intact.
Getting started
The first step is to remove your battery so you can take out your SIM card and memory card. Put the battery back in. Then run XS++ by double-clicking on its executable. This will bring up a small screen on which you can press the Start button. Once you do that, you will need to connect the phone, which you do by leaving it off, but holding down the "c" button while you attach it to the USB cable. If it recognizes your phone it will tell you so in the status window and switch to a view where you can put a MAIN file, an FS file, and customize. You may have to unplug the phone, take out the battery, and try again the first time, after it finds the device and so on. You don't ever want to customize with XS++1.2, because it doesn't work right on the w300i. Also, unless you are debranding your phone you don't want to update your file system. Even if you are debranding, you don't want to flash the file system just yet, because you want to back up your old one. It may some day be possible to restore branding when the R4EA031 firmware is found.
Flashing the phone
Now we reach the point of no return. Once you flash the first break-in file, you will be forced to at least update your main firmware (which will probably actually downgrade it to R9A036, unless you can get the right firmware). Click on the ... button on the right of the Main Firmware box in XS++. Then browse to whereever PhoneXS++V1.2 is located, which is where your w300_p3k_dcu.49R.ssw file should be. Choose that file for Main firmware, and make sure you have only checked Flash Main firmware. Click on the Flash button at the bottom, and it will begin. It will only flash 5 blocks this time, and it will probably hang at the end. This should only take about 20 seconds. Once it says 5/5, finishing flash, it will hang, and you can click Stop button, and ignore the warnings. It will say error and it failed, but it didn't. At this point your phone will not turn on, so don't turn it on. Unplug it from the USB cable, and pop the battery out and back in.
Far manager
Now run FAR manager from the start menu. Once it comes up, hit F11, which isn't even onscreen. This will give you access to the Plugins menu. From here, choose SEFP. This can be done by hitting the S key, which in the future you will want to do to not upset your settings
if you get the error: "
Choose DCU-60 cable, 115200, and w300_w810_z550_ in the three menus. Note that you make your choices simply by browsing over these choices without even clicking. This is easy to mess up. When you have your choices solid, approach the Enter The Matrix button from the bottom so you don't browse over your choices.
If you get the error: "Script error code 0"
This is because you didn't put in the SEFPv010044 before you put in the SEFPv010051. You have to do both, because the second one is just an update to the first. Then after that you have to do the sefp0.10.0.51patch.exe as described above.
Note that this section is unnecessary if you just wanted to hack in to your phone and not debrand it. You can still do all kinds of things with FAR manager without debranding, but you will need to do the next section steps to get your phone to run again. For now you will pop the battery out and put it back in, and start XS++ back up. Choose the start button, connect the phone as usual with "c" button held down, and select Flash File System. Now go choose the W300i_R9A036_FS_AMERICA_1_RED49.fbn file that you downloaded earlier, and start the flash. This will erase everything in your phone and start fresh. This task should complete normally without hanging. When it is finished, you are still not done. Disconnect, pop the battery out and in, and go back to FAR manager. Choose F11, S, keep the settings and Enter The Matrix, then FS. This time, you will want to find the folder where you put your customization files, called own_custpack. Open that folder on the right panel, and you should see the tpa folder on the right. There will also be a tpa folder on the left. Select the lone tpa folder on the right, and choose copy. This puts the folder from the disk onto the phone to customize it. Now the phone is debranded. Click the .. again on the left, until it asks you to exit CSFS loader, say yes. Finally you are done and ready to restore the main firmware. Remove and replace the battery.
This is the step that is necessary whether you debrand your phone or not. Start XS++ again. Check the Flash Main firmware checkbox only. Select the W300i_R9A036_MAIN_NAM_1_RED49.mbn file, and then choose the Flash button. This will start the process of copying about 336 blocks to the phone. When this completes, which should finish normally, your phone is ready. Disconnect it, take the battery out and put the SIM card and memory card back in, and turn it on. This should be the first time you actually turn on your phone since you started. It won't work anywhere in between. It will go through the original setup if you debranded it, otherwise it will just start as your normal phone; however some things will no longer work because of the step backward in firmware. In particular, a Cingular branded phone will have the Cingular Music menu item show up as Missing, but it will still work. Other things may not work so well.
Source: Restlessobsessive
Versiunea in ROMANA
miercuri, 17 decembrie 2008
Capra cu 3 iezi
- Daaaaaaa…!!!!!! (raspunde clasa)
- Tu, asta mic din prima banca, ia spune-ne cati iezi avea capra…?
- Pai povestea se cheama "Capra cu 3 iezi", nu?
- Da
- Si acum ma intrebati "cati iezi avea capra"?
- Da..
- TREI in p_la mea….!!!! TREI !!!!!!!!!!!
- Adrian Despot, stai jos, azi ai nota 2.
Sursa: Unty
Listen to...
- Anca Parghel - Feliz Navidad
- Connect-R - Nu-Ti Pierde Dragostea
- Deepcentral ft. Di Todo - Cry it away**
- Deepcentral feat. Miss DJ Vika Jigulina - High (Radio Edit)
- Deepcentral - Russian girl
- Deepcentral ft. Di Todo - Cry it away**
- Deepcentral feat Di Todo - Play again**
- Ne-Yo - Miss independent*
- Narcotic Sound - Suena (MainMix)*
- Nick Kamarera & Deepside Deejays - Beautiful Day***
Connect-R ft. Phelipe - Nu-ti pierde dragostea
Poate sa iasa foc si soarele sa arda
Dragostea nu poate sa dispara
Da Da
E acolo undeva
Poate sa cada luna , sa se inece in mare
Viata sa aiba o singura culoare
Da Da
Nu’ti pierde dragostea
Poate azi te’ai certat cu el
Dar poate maine va impacati
Si poate totul va fi la fel
Nu e pacat sa pierzi iubire pt o cearta ?
Amintiti’va de voi cum va iubeati si altadata
Tu nu sunai , el nu suna
Ca cine suna primul
Pierdea in fata celuilalt
Va pierdeati timpul
‘Stiu k am gresit’
‘Nu , eu am gresit’
Si va iubeati din nou
Si nu mai conta nimic
Il faceai fericit , era fericit
Ca te avea din nou pe tine
Si nu mai conta nimic
Poate sa iasa foc si soarele sa arda
Dragostea nu poate sa dispara
Da Da
E acolo undeva
Poate sa cada luna , sa se inece in mare
Viata sa aiba o singura culoare
Da Da
Nu’ti pierde dragostea
Am strans bani de chirie
Haide muta’te cu mine
Nu poti renunta la noi
O sa vezi , va fi bine
Am vorbit cu ai mei
Ne vor ajuta si ei
Am avut grija de toate
Acum nu spune ca nu vrei
Si va certati din nou
Spuneati ca totu’i trecator
Si a doua zi , vezi doamne
Va’ntalneati intamplator
‘Stiu k am gresit’
‘Nu , eu am gresit’
Si va iubeati din nou
Si nu mai conta nimic
Il faceai fericit , era fericit
Ca te avea din nou pe tine
Si nu mai conta nimic
Poate sa iasa foc si soarele sa arda
Dragostea nu poate sa dispara
Da Da
E acolo undeva
Poate sa cada luna , sa se inece in mare
Viata sa aiba o singura culoare
Da Da
Nu’ti pïerde dragostea (x2)
luni, 15 decembrie 2008
duminică, 14 decembrie 2008
Dean Martin - Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow
But the fire is so delightful
And since we've no place to go
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
It doesn't show signs of stopping
And I brought some corn for popping
The lights are turned way down low
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
When we finally kiss good-night
How I'll hate going out in the storm
But if you really hold me tight
All the way home I'll be warm
The fire is slowly dying
And, my dear, we're still good-bye-ing
But as long as you love me so
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
When we finally kiss good-night
How I'll hate going out in the storm
But if you really hold me tight
All the way home I'll be warm
The fire is slowly dying
And, my dear, we're still good-bye-ing
But as long as you love me so
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
Lyrics: Schiller Feat. September - Breathe
a straight line back to you
just give me a reason
to do what lovers do
i need to know you
don't say you ever did
and if i can hold you
it's time to set me free
it's time to set me free
it's time to set me free
i can't breath my love
i'm swimming in the dark beside you
can get you find a friend?
by you got me lost again
i can't breath my love
and following the path behind you
but somehow i'm lost again
it this the bitter end
for us
you could have been sunlight
to my reflected moon
i wonder december and you keep me cool and june
we sure i get flying
arising this the sky
and we went to landing
our feelings come to die
our feelings come to die
i can't breath my love
i'm swimming in the dark beside you
can get you find a friend?
by you got me lost again
i can't breath my love
and following the path behind you
but somehow i'm lost again
it this the bitter end
for us
i can't breath
i can't breath
i can't breath
i can't breath ... love
i can't breath
i can't breath
i can't breath... love
i can't breath my love
and following the path behind you
but somehow i lost again
it's this the bitter end
for us.......
miercuri, 10 decembrie 2008
Tutorial Multimessenger
- pentru inceput cream un fisier multimess.txt
- il deschidem si scriem in el urmatoarele:
- salvam cu numele multimess.reg
- rulam scriptul, click "yes" si gata!
marți, 9 decembrie 2008
De doua ori mai mare :>
luni, 8 decembrie 2008
Spaima de controlori

Intr-o zi, cand veneam de la scoala impreuna cu prietenul meu Corcodel, vad un mos, composteaza 2 bilete si le baga in buzunar, era singur. [


-Tataie, ce faci mata cu 2 bilete? il intreb eu ironic.
-Ce sa fac tataie, dak pierd cumva unu' din ele? om destept dak pierde unul din ele... il mai are pe celalalt

-Bine ma tataie dar daca le pierzi pe ambele ce faci? Corcodel :))
-Eeeee... m-am gandit eu si la asta, am ABONAMENT




Nu-i banc moshu, chiar a compostat 2 bilete.
vineri, 5 decembrie 2008
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Pop/Rock - Asculta/listen | Download |
Carlos Santana ft Nickleback - Why Don't You and I | |
Pink - Sober | |
Lady Gaga - Poker Face | |
none | |
none | |
none | |
none | |
none |
Pentru orice problema intalnita pe blog Contact! / Cere o melodie!
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